privacy policy
Privacy Policy for Sitr Application
Sitr's Privacy Policy defines the handling of customer information, preservation and authorization of information collected by users of Sitr and applies this Privacy Policy in the App and all products and services provided by Sitr.
Personal Identity Information:
Sitr collects personal identity information from users in different ways. Users may be asked to clarify the full name and address, email address, phone number, and credit card data.
What we use the information collected:
Sitr collects and uses users' personal information for the following purposes:
Improve the quality of service and respond to your customer-oriented requests and support needs more effectively.
Improve application and quality.
We constantly seek to improve the offers offered through the app or our website according to the information and feedback we receive from you.
- Sending messages periodically.
We send messages via text or email recorded by the user to handle his or her request, and sometimes send information, updates or promotions. It may also be used to respond to queries, other requests or questions. The user can also join our email list or cancel it at any time.
Protect Your Information:
We do not sell or trade personal information in any way.
We also share your data with any official government entity only with an official letter from the judicial authorities addressed to our company to disclose your data in person in security or criminal cases.
Changes to the Privacy Policy:
We are free to update this Privacy Policy at any time. When we do this, the user should review the update date at the bottom of this page, so we urge users to review the privacy policy frequently to see any changes so that they are aware of what we do to protect the personal data we collect. and to acknowledge and agree with the user's responsibility to review this Privacy Policy periodically and to be aware of the amendments.
Approval of Terms of Use:
Your use of the Sitr App is your consent to our current and future Privacy Policy in the event that any change to this Policy or to the terms and conditions of use of the App is announced will amount to your consent to these changes.
To contact us:
If you have any questions about this privacy policy, the practices of this app, or your dealings with the app, you can contact us by email